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Event:           INSPIRE AMSTERDAM 2014
Date: World Happiness Day 20 March 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 12.00 – 17.30 hrs
Hosted by: Delivering Happiness
Location: Toomler, Amsterdam

Eventbrite - Inspire Amsterdam - the second edition

After the successful first edition, Delivering Happiness returns in the theater Toomler. This year we will have a dialogue with three amazing speakers about how happiness makes a difference at the workplace.

Our keynote speakers include

Nic Marks, founder & director of Happy Works, is best known for creating the award winning Happy Planet Index the first global measure of sustainable wellbeing. Nic spoke at the prestigious TEDGlobal conference in 2010 on his work and authored one of the first TEDBooks – A Happiness Manifesto.

Salem Samhoud, founder & director of &Samhoud, was one of the first to recognize the importance of having a higher purpose in organizations, 25 years ago. With the story of &Samhoud he provides indisputable evidence that a company can excel without an exclusive focus on making money. &Samhoud focuses on building a brighter future and with that they earn money.

Jaap de Groot is chief editor of sports of De Telegraaf, speaker and opinion leader in the world of sports. Through his leadership role in the workplace and the wider media industry, he knows what it takes to be successful in sport & business. Prepare for outspoken opinions, profound views, and a great sense of humor.